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BANGINIS Retail Park in Vilnius
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Main information

  • AddressLukšio str. 34, Vilnius
  • Opening date2004
  • Total rented area (in square metres)28 000 sq. m
  • Number of leaseholders19
  • InvestorAB Baltic Shopping Centers
  • Parking spaces750
  • RED servicesproject developer and manager

The Banginis Shopping Centre is based on the concept of a retail park dominated by several large independent anchor operators, Iki and Senukai, that provide the main focus of attraction. Convenient access, spacious parking, a simple layout of aisles and a specialised assortment of products make it easier for shoppers to buy the goods they want.

Nekilnojamojo turto bendrovės Baltic RED vystomas ir valdomas prekybos parkas BANGINIS Vilniuje, Lukšio g. 34